Reply to post: Re: Of all places

Furious gunwoman opens fire at YouTube HQ, three people shot


Re: Of all places

"...Use your emotions man!..."

Argh!! Anger!! Fury!! (better? ;-) )

I remember once coming upon a severe car crash. I got on the phone to 911 (local emergency number), calmly described the location, and the circumstances of the crash, and began controlling the scene so that there weren't any secondary accidents that might hurt me or the other people who had also stopped to help. When the CHP showed up and the fire department, they took a statement and took over scene control. Right before I was cleared to leave by the officer, I received a comment "You're pretty calm for having just seen all that" - I replied, "Would it have helped if I freaked out?"

If I were to believe in wishes, my only one would be that people stopped and thought a bit before running around screaming and flailing. We humans can be pretty smart if we give ourselves a chance to use our brains...

Cheers ;-)

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