Reply to post: Re: Microsoft have no clue what they are doing.

Spring is all about new beginnings, but it could already be lights out for Windows' Fluent Design

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Microsoft have no clue what they are doing.

Absolutely no clue. Clueless, rudderless company.

They don't need a clue, nor a rudder. They just continue to milk their monopoly in PC and office productivity suites, and their strength in mail and office servers.

They missed the mobile boat, certainly, and it looks like revenue (in real terms) topped out in 2015, but until businesses and domestic users are willing to buy a different operating system and productivity programs to go with it, MS have an EULA to print money. Like all incumbents, they don't care about customers, they don't listen to customers, and they have lost any vestigial ability to innovate. But it'll be a very long time before Microsoft fade away - more's the pity. Even when that day comes, MS will just become a patent troll, and try and leach off other people's good ideas by claiming infringement. In 2016 for example, Redmond was awarded 2,400 patents, bringing its total to around 59,000 - a surprising number for a company that has offered customers precisely fuck all in the way of useful innovation for the past decade.

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