Reply to post: Re: Of all places

Furious gunwoman opens fire at YouTube HQ, three people shot


Re: Of all places

Is there anything stopping someone legally buying something like an AR-15 (insert over-powered gun of choice instead) in one state then driving to California to use it? I'm assuming there are a bunch of laws against possession of said weapon in CA, but if they're intending to shoot up people with it, those laws aren't really going to stop them....

Depends where you're from. If you have Californian ID/are a Cali resident, then you can't just hop into another state to buy guns - they won't sell to an out-of-stater (or at least, nothing that would be banned in Cali). Conversely, there is nothing other than the law preventing a Nevadan (for instance) from driving in with their Nevada-legal guns other than the law and the risk of being pulled over on a traffic stop.

YMMV, Federal law only goes so far and the rest depends on state rules and reciprocity agreements.

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