Reply to post: Re: Makes a lot of sense

Intel outside: Apple 'prepping' non-Chipzilla Macs by 2020 (stop us if you're having deja vu)

Hans 1

Re: Makes a lot of sense

@Lost all faith

Thing is, they claim their emulation layer performs well ... I doubt it, seriously, and given the hardware you need on Intel/AMD kit to get a somewhat well performing OS, well, I doubt the emulation layer will cut it ... and op explicitly mentioned Adobe, like, Photoshop emulated on Arm ? Are you nuts ?

Full blown Windows is a resource hog on Intel, who in their right mind thinks one can squeeze that on ARM ? And I'm not even talking EMULATION, here, yet ...

So, we have read the articles, we all think it is just hot air, not gonna perform anywhere near what they claim, success will not happen ... just like RT.

Ohhh, and, the emulation emulates a 32-Bit CPU, which means 3Gb* RAM max per app, if they get it right.

How many more times will I have to write this out ?

* 3Gb max means 1.5Gb max for the unlucky windows luser.

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