Reply to post: What a mess

Facebook exec extracts foot from mouth: We didn't really mean growth matters more than human life


What a mess

It has shown that FB has a large number of either execs who value profit over doing what is right or they are just idiots without a clue. I think imho it is the former with a smattering of the latter.

As for active hunt for fake profiles -hands up thousands of peeps who have agonisingly had to go through their piss poor report procedure. My sister in law had two fakers use her pics, the profiles claimed she was an Apple sales exec living in Dubai selling ..... wait for it ......Used Samsung phones. Ffs only a moron would think the profile was honest.

She reported it and FB said she was the faker and these profiles were genuine(they then blocked her profile and let the fakers stay)- yup what a shower of @55hol5.

Many fake sales profiles may be generating profits for criminal reasons & FB took 6 months and a passport to prove she was the real person. They are biased for revenue and nothing more.

Made me delete my old profile.

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