Reply to post: Re: Microsoft should be held accountable for there defective code

Microsoft patches patch for Meltdown bug patch: Windows 7, Server 2008 rushed an emergency fix

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Microsoft should be held accountable for there defective code

"The internet is a real-time, continuously-changing environment".

That is a rather naive, sweeping statement.

On the face of it, the Internet is a network. Nothing more. Some people may choose to connect to the Internet various pieces of kit and software, some of which are drastically immature and unreliable. Others may prefer to stick with the classic definition of a legacy application: "one that works".

The idea that "a real-time, continuously-changing environment" is necessarily a good thing is naive in the extreme. No doubt it is very useful to have such environments here and there - a kind of IT brainstorming - but it's very foolish to place any reliance on such systems. Nor do we: almost all of our society's vital IT tasks are still run on mainframes, for the simple reason that nothing better has been invented.

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