Reply to post: Re: RE : M$ are analysing the content

What the @#$%&!? Microsoft bans nudity, swearing in Skype, emails, Office 365 docs

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: RE : M$ are analysing the content

This is totally a 'goodbye free speech, we are here to prevent it' -item. Also free ticket of monitoring everything you do or have done for spying reasons, i.e. NSA, legally.

Well, no. You still have the option of putting pen to paper, and transferring this document by hand, or by post. The USA did not make internet access a public utility, so private companies can do f-all what they want. You have the opportunity of talking directly to people. (landline and cell may be monitored, if you are that paranoid). Not defending this in the least, just noting that's the way it is.

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