Reply to post: Re: Blairs joke..

Details of 600,000 foreign visitors to UK go up in smoke thanks to shonky border database

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Blairs joke..

Where were going you don't need cards.

Home Office Biometric (HOB) Programme

Plans to bring together the capabilities under the IDENT 1 fingerprint system and the Immigration and Asylum Biometric System (IABS).

It places the focus on the ability to manage data on fingerprints, DNA and facial matching, with the requirements including application support and maintenance, infrastructure support services, migration of the existing systems to a public cloud host, and consolidating into two data centres.

IDENT 1 links police and justice agencies throughout the UK and is currently run by Northrop Grumman, which has previously emphasised its potential for integration with data on biometrics other than fingerprints. IABS is run by IBM.

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