Reply to post: Re: Fuck translates to Fick, Bolle, and what more

What the @#$%&!? Microsoft bans nudity, swearing in Skype, emails, Office 365 docs


Re: Fuck translates to Fick, Bolle, and what more

> Clean language will become offensive, again.

Nothing new under the sun it seems, as MS were supposedly tackling this back in 2009.

Oblig. Penny Arcade

The attached blurb includes the following nugget:

"A year ago, we saw a quiz thing that asked you to determine which of four odd phrases were euphemisms for sexual acts. By the time we had discovered this question, every item on the list had developed a carnal reputation. That is to say, every item. We are fast approaching a point where ordering a sandwich at a deli will land you in prison."

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