Reply to post: Re: Really?

Cambridge Analytica 'privatised colonising operation', not a 'legitimate business', says whistleblower

Voland's right hand Silver badge

Re: Really?

Influencing just 5% of the voters to change their mind can modify an election result by 20% when voter turnout is 50%

The primary target of f***book campaigning is NOT the influencing of the voters. Their minds are already pre-set onto a set of rails and they nicely glide on that never seeing any content they do not really like.

What the like of SCL, etc do is to influence the turnout. The changes in turnout in some demographics categories in the USA was more than 4 times. From 17% to 80%. Similarly, there were negative changes in other demographics (albeit nowhere near as drastic as the increase in the "secondary school educated white male" category - that is the 80% number).

That is more than good enough to win elections.

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