Reply to post: Re: Point?

First there were notebooks. Then tablets. And now ‘book tablets’

Killing Time

Re: Point?

'The fact that ChromeOS is gaining the ability to run Android apps indicates that the initial idea for ChromeOS of doing everything in the browser wasn't that well thought through either.'

I don't know if you actually use Chrome OS and specifically on a Chromebook but with the exception of a files and media app it still runs basically everything through the browser. The browser is its principle user interface.

At this point in time, on a Chromebook, Android apps run in a variety of sizes but that is generally a limitation of how they are currently written for the smaller screens of phones or tablets, but effectively in its own browser tab.

No doubt this will change, as the ecosystem evolves, every six weeks or so, with each release, regular incremental improvement since around 2011. I see little evidence of rushed release given that widely documented timescale.

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