Reply to post: Re: This is what could really do Zuckwit and his company serious harm

Fleeing Facebook app users realise what they agreed to in apps years ago – total slurpage

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: This is what could really do Zuckwit and his company serious harm

"a breach of wiretapping laws."

So what.

Traditional laws, courts, etc. apparently don't apply to modern corporate executives and their legal eagles, and the organisations that fund them. The US Government of the day doesn't seem to care much at all, and the EU (one of the few governmental organisations big enough to matter) doesn't seem to be able to keep up, even though it does occasionally show signs of understanding and caring about the corporate responsibility issues.

Fix that generic problem, and lots of things (not just Facebook and data privacy) might magically start to improve.

Meanwhile, maybe it's time to take a more direct, less inhibited, approach to the executives whose names are in the frame. Constructive and plausible suggestions welcome. E.g. did things like #METOO work, or was it a distraction, or somewhere in between?

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