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US cops go all Minority Report: Google told to cough up info on anyone near a crime scene


Let's be fair, the only real issue most people have with privacy is the fact data is used to make money. It isn't really about the police investigators, who wish to use every possible method to catch a crook. Why should it really matter if my phone just happened to be taking a picture at exactly the same time a woman was raped, and my picture inadvertantly snapped the perp's face or clothing, and via data stored by Google about my poossible whereabouts, the police are able to see this picture and use it to catch them - without me needing to know anything about it?

People should be more concerned about the fact advertisers know virtually everything about what you wear, how you smell, what you do, where you go and what you eat - and THAT information you give out willingly, on a daily basis.

We're not really in a dystopian society. We just feel like we are sometimes because we're told we are by the media. Regardless of how carefuly people are - you can lose your wallet, or give the wrong people personal information - and have your ID theived. This isn't new, nor is it a result of CCTV. It's human negligence, and human greed. Orwell's vision of the future is a not-so-nice thing. But we're not there, and if we ever get there, it's highly likely we allowed it.

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