Reply to post: Re: Shoot the Messenger

Facebook suspends account of Cambridge Analytica whistleblower

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Shoot the Messenger

This exchange provides nearly canonical example of the demonstration that the BBC is in fact rather unbiased: someone posts something implying they are right-wing / government lackeys, followed by someone else posting something claiming that they are rather left-wing / Guardian lackeys. When both those things happen (which they fairly regularly do) you know they are doing rather well at being unbiased.

(And, of course, the reason they are being 'strangely quiet' about it is that they are not publishing stuff for which they don't have good evidence, where they don't count 'some newspaper published it' as being good evidence, as that newspaper, if it has good evidence (which it probably does), protect its sources thus leaving anyone reporting based on their report exposed. But it's easier to just accuse them of being government mouthpieces, of course.)

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