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Hubble Space Telescope one of 16 suffering data-scrambling sensor error

bombastic bob Silver badge

"latest failure of Scientism"

there is no FAILURE in science. There are only "failed experiments", from which we gather data, write up what caused the complete cockup to occur, publish it so everyone can point fingers and laugh and make comments [some of which will actually be helpful/useful], and then MOVE ON and don't screw up that way evar again. And in the process, it's more likely that other scientists won't repeat OUR mistakes.

So, "failures" (failed experiments/designs) are just fine, in science. They're at LEAST as good as success. It's how we increase our knowledge. I'd be just as interested in FAIL results as GOOD results for any experiment or design that I make (as long as I discover the reason for fail and am able to correct it). It's all good science.

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