Reply to post: It rather involved being on the other side of this airtight hatchway

OK, deep breath, relax... Let's have a sober look at these 'ere annoying AMD chip security flaws

Richard 12 Silver badge

It rather involved being on the other side of this airtight hatchway

So if you can get physical access, you can reflash the firmware.

Yes, of course you can. You can do that on practically any hardware that has programmable non-volatile memory.

Assuming everything they claim is true, the TPM flaw is the only one of consequence - being able to extract the key by any means is very bad, reflashing firmware should wipe the keys.

As for the rest - exactly how does one update a BIOS/UEFI/chipset/GPU-BIOS/insert-device-here without the ability to install said firmware?

All Intel chips and chipsets have near-identical "flaws". The only true mitigation is ROM - and good luck updating that when there is a real problem.

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