Reply to post: Re: Much easier to get a robot ...

Privacy folk raise alarm over schools snooping on kids' online habits

John Brown (no body) Silver badge

Re: Much easier to get a robot ...

"What kids need is to trust adults and be confident enough that they will seek guidance"

And that is the core of it all. Trust. Privacy is a huge issue now because of the lack of trust and erosion of privacy by everyone involved from Google to Government and every shady operation in between slurping data.

People who see what's going on, such as the technically minded people who read here, see privacy and it's erosion as an issue because we can't trust $org to hold the data properly, safely, only what is needed for purpose and to delete it when the purpose is no longer served. We know they can't be trusted and so we scream about privacy. Privacy becomes much less of an issue when data is not grabbed willy nilly and then "lost" to bad actors every week,

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