Reply to post: Re: Yet Trumps buddy...

Stock trader gets two years in prison for pumping up with Fitbit

veti Silver badge

Re: Yet Trumps buddy...

The "dumping" happened at least a week before the announcement - we don't know exactly when, but that's when the sale was made public.

If you're going to smear people, at least get the facts right.

And a brief look at the company's stock price (here) shows that it was already in decline for some weeks before then, so selling doesn't look all that suspicious. Even after the announcement, the hit to the stock was hardly crushing.

I'm not saying it was all aboveboard and there's nothing to see here. I'm saying this is one way fake news spreads: claims get exaggerated and repeated by people who can't be bothered to check the facts, because they "feel" true.

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