Reply to post: Re: Contractor rights

Most IT contractors want employment benefits if clobbered with IR35

Sir Runcible Spoon

Re: Contractor rights

My bad about the Corp tax, I should know this stuff, right? :)

One other thing people have overlooked, especially the 'angry permie' types who think all contractors are getting out of paying tax etc.

Based on the amount of tax I generate for HMRC every year, I am paying a *lot* more than I would if I took a permie position with it's lower rates of pay, even when you include all the company contributions.

So, creating a situation that forces contractors into permie roles will not generate more cash, although it probably will put a (brief) smile on the faces of some embittered permies who haven't got a clue what they are talking about.

Also, considering that there aren't many contractors who can get by without being able to cut the mustard, all those permies might be less and sanguine when there is suddenly a lot more competition for their jobs from people who generally have a much more varied and extensive experience to draw upon.

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