Reply to post: Re: You can only get away with a screw you attitude...

Oracle UK's profits have more than halved

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: You can only get away with a screw you attitude...

"A database and associated tools that has already been largely replaced by postgresql, mariaDB etc"

NoSQL DBs like mariaDB and mongo will only ever be niche. Most business data is structured in a relational way and to store and process that effectively you need a relational DB. NoSQL is great for document storage and lightning fast key-value searches but in my experience using Mongo its an utter PITA to do any significantly complex relational processing on - and in some instances simply not possible and it has to be done outside the DB in the application which harks back to the pain of processing flat file DB data in the 1970s. Ironically that painful process is what gave momentum to relational DBs in the first place. Hardly a step forward into a bright future.

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