Reply to post: Re: This isn't about Brexit told: Scrap immigration exemption from Data Protection Bill or we'll see you in court

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: This isn't about Brexit

>The people voted to restore democracy

..which they had never lost.

>They weren't stupid for removing power from a group of autocrats who hate them

No - Parliament is still in power.

>The UK might look like parliamentary democracy, but the parliament can only approve or reject legislation that the Government drafts.

There. Fixed it for you.

And, as an exercise in democracy - how about you propose a bill in the UK parliament? You can't? Shocking! It's almost like you have zero ability to affect the Government in this country! Maybe you need to secede from the UK and form your own little country. I'm sure that people round the world will be raring to sign trade agreements with you. But good luck in getting anything from the NHS or your local council.

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