Reply to post: Re: 400 CPU's expensive?

AI racks up insane high scores after finding bug in ancient video game


Re: 400 CPU's expensive?

Even if it is ML, is it useful ML ?

I put my hand in a flame and it hurts. You could say that I learn from this not to put my hand in the fire. But if I only apply that to the original fire, and try putting my hand in a different fire then the learning was not especially effective, and this is the type of "learning" that this form of ML provides. Only once the machine has put it's hand in ALL fires does it "learn" that "all fire is hot".

Weighting outcomes can give the impression of learning before "ALL" fires have been sampled, but the machine still cannot explain why it has reached the conclusion that fire is hot or indeed why.

A machine also cannot make the intuitive leap to the knowledge that fire being hot means that may also be used to boil water or cook food, given equipment suitably adapted to the task.

Machines don't do that sort of learning. Not AI. Not ML. Not any specific algorithm, model or approach to such things.

The day they do, "Machine Learning" or "Artificial Intelligent" become meaningless since a truly learning machine is not a machine and true intelligence is intelligence, not artificially so.

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