Reply to post: Re: Gun fire triangulation by sound

OK, who is shooting at Apple staff buses in California? Knock it off


Re: Gun fire triangulation by sound

I wonder if the offender has a cell phone on him/her.

If so, it might be easier to collect the IEN numbers of all cell phones within the vicinity of the buses for a couple of weeks. As incidents occur, just run an analysis and see if there are any IEN numbers that are around each bus (but not on the bus) near the time of each incident - license plate readers would also help (and be effective even if the individual doesn't have a cell phone). Big Data is your "friend". Since pellet guns have a very limited range and lose power very rapidly over distance the person is probably close (my guess would almost have to be in a moving car).

My only concern with this is that I would <hope> that LE has to get a warrant that would only allow this data to be collected for a specific period of time (or until the perpetrator is caught).

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