Reply to post: Re: A bit more protection for the black hats

Knock, knock. Whois there? Get ready for anonymized email addresses after domain privacy shake-up

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: A bit more protection for the black hats

> decide if a dodgy looking email that got past Spamassassin is spam or contains dodgy links. However, using the combination of:

Apart from extremely brittle, resource intensive and laughably unreliable, your "system" appears kind of pointless.

> If GDPR succeeds in making this information inaccessible without providing a replacement malignancy test tool I, for one, shall be extremely pissed off.

The system is exactly what every privately registered .eu and .fr domain, amongst others, have been doing for years (since its very inception for .eu, I believe).

For other domains, many registrars offer anonymisation, often as a complimentary free service.

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