Reply to post: Re: "Don’t worry about AI going bad – the minds behind it are the danger"

When clever code kills, who pays and who does the time? A Brit expert explains to El Reg

Sir Runcible Spoon
Big Brother

Re: "Don’t worry about AI going bad – the minds behind it are the danger"

tl;dr: If you're going to deploy AI, then be careful, think about what you are doing, and make sure what you are doing is open to scrutiny so potential issues can be spotted before they get out of hand. Talk to each other and use your brains*.

*Considering the people *making* AI are not the ones *funding* AI, then this last bit means we are screwed. The genie is out of the bottle and could only be put back in if you could suddenly educate the entire internet population to be emotionally mature and considerate/tolerant.

Like I said, we're screwed.

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