Reply to post: Re: Solution

That microchipped e-passport you've got? US border cops still can't verify the data in it

CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

Re: Solution

Yes you can copy the data, but you cannot alter it and maintain a valid signature without the private key. You also can't create a new one from scratch, it won't have a proper signature...

.. which none of the Border cops will pick up becuase they don't have the capability. I suspect that you could use a self-signed cert and get away with it - right up until you try to go into an advanced country that actually has the proper technology..

(A number of years ago I worked for a company that tried to see passport readers that could read the biometrics. None of them had any network access (to the best of my admittedly hazy knowledge) and so wouldn't have been able to check certificates unless against a good-known set. Which would have been out of date very rapidly and therefore been worse than useless.)

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