Reply to post: Re: *A* Brit Expert

When clever code kills, who pays and who does the time? A Brit expert explains to El Reg


Re: *A* Brit Expert

"Because no one can predict what the AI will become or do in the future. Particularly regarding decisions that no human can understand, as happened in the latest Go competitions."

Yes, in which case it's doubly important to hold the companies in question to account. Maybe, just maybe they should have explored the unexpected consequences... if they decided they were too unpredictable then, pulled the product and I dunno, not risked killing everyone.

There is a glut of positive thinking going on in the AI and robotics space. Seen the latest Killbot-lite video with fully autonomous drones that successfully "Hunt" humans through dense woods using computer vision? It's okay, because they are just filming their owners. Weaponisation in 3-2-1.... Ooops

Don't get me started on Boston Dynamics, those guys saw Terminator 1 and cried at the end when Arnie got killed.

Some serious accountability needs to get injected to start people reconsidering what their products can be re-purposed as, or how they might fail / go rogue.

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