Reply to post: Re: Specter / Meltdown were not mistakes...

Intel didn't tell CERTS, govs, about Meltdown and Spectre because they couldn't help fix it

Orv Silver badge

Re: Specter / Meltdown were not mistakes...

I'm pretty paranoid, but I don't really buy that in this case. These security holes are a direct result of using caching and speculative execution together; they're fundamental to how the chips get the performance they do, not something that was grafted on to make them less secure. It's a bit like saying that Chevy is in a conspiracy to make me late for work because they designed cars that drive on streets and have to stop at traffic lights.

Now, if you want to complain about the management engine, you might have an argument there; it's largely superfluous to how the CPU works, and was designed so insecurely that it would almost require special effort.

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