Reply to post: Re: Solution

That microchipped e-passport you've got? US border cops still can't verify the data in it

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Solution

It's the remaining 1%

You just emphasized what is wrong with CBP. Its procedures are aimed at 1%-5% which is in the rabid paranoya zone especially regarding people from other developed country.

The root cause is American exceptionalism. USA thinks that the whole world has nothing better to do than to go and pollute the precious American purity of the nation. The root cause is that the whole nation has the idea that they are the pinnacle of creation drilled into them from the cradle to the grave. They cannot grok the idea that most of us got work to do and joining the ranks of the people eating hormone beef and chlorinated chicken without any medical coverage is the last thing on our minds.

The real number of travelers with "issues" between developed countries is significantly less that 0.1%. Acknowledging this, however means that USA has to acknowledge that their border circus is mostly pointless - something they will never do.

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