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IBM Java CTO: Devs shouldn't have to learn Docker, K8s, 30 other things to deploy an app

Claptrap314 Silver badge

Re: ???

He dropped some howlers in this interview, but this line actually makes sense. I know folks here like to dump on DevOps, but it looks to me that what he is saying is that a common view of DevOps is in fact toxic.

People that talk about DevOps as "moving operations responsibilities to the left" or something like that are in fact stating that their devs need to acquire ops knowledge. Problem 1: Knowledge doesn't cut it. You need expertise. It's really, really hard to develop expertise in two disparate fields. And software engineering and operations are two quite disparate fields. Problem 2: Throwing bodies at a problem doesn't scale. You need to do things better. Problem 3: Waterfall was a strawman process that, according to the man who created it, is "doomed to fail". If you're thinking in waterfall terms, you're not thinking about proper DevOps.

DevOps is using software to solve operational problems inherent in the growth generally and microservices in particular. Good software engineering is first about understanding the problem space, and then figuring out how to confine the problem to code so that users don't experience it. A proper DevOps team creates simple tools for devs to use that enable them to put applications into production that meet the rigours of operational excellence without having to explicitly engage operations.

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