Reply to post: Re: I have one question.

iPhone X 'slump' is real, whisper supply chain moles

Tim Seventh

Re: I have one question.

"The top of most phone screens just display a few simple icons most of the time - no reason not to share that space with a camera. The issue is implementation - LG made a phone with a discrete screen next the camera, not a bad idea."

If you only think the notch blocked only 'the top of most phone' and a few simple icons most of the time, then you clearly haven't tried rotating it and used it for other things. Unless you watch movies with one eye blinded, the notch extremely stands out with the asymmetric in landscape mode.

Sure apple fans can 'compensate' for the difficulty. But no matter how you flip it horizontally to the right or the left, it will still be asymmetrical.

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