Reply to post: Re: But there is still little use for laptops.

Teensy plastic shields are the big new thing in 2018's laptop crop


Re: But there is still little use for laptops.

For me:

Tablet : Checking, but not replying to email. Reading, some web browsing, small amount of mobile gaming, checking news and weather, doing searches on the Sky box (rather then using the remote).

As soon as I need to type more than a word or two (i.e. anything beyond simple searches etc) I open the Chromebook.

If I need the Internet for more than an hour, or want to do anything productive, so App development, gaming, finances, images, video etc. I switch to Desktop, in a proper chair, at a desk, with a proper keyboard and mouse.

At work, I use laptops (multiple due to client requirements, mix of Windows and Linux).

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