Reply to post: Re: Do you ...

James Damore's labor complaint went over about as well as his trash diversity manifesto


Re: Do you ...

Do you really have such low opinion of your mothers, wives/girlfriends, sisters, daughters?

Not in the slightest. But I'm also not going to force my daughter to become a programmer to fulfill someone elses half baked notion of fairness.

If she chooses a career in technology then I'll support that and aid it as much as I am able, which will be rather a lot.

If she chooses a career in medicine, I'll support that and aid it as much as I am able, which will not be a lot.

If she chooses a career as an artist or musician, then her mother will be furious.

It's not my choice to control what my daughter chooses as a profession. And it certainly isn't yours. Whatever she does she'll be more than capable of standing on her own two feet and not relying on some artificial quota or selection list. Why on earth would she need such things?

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