Reply to post: Re: if you receive any significant benefit in exchange

Life's a beach – then you're the comms nexus of the British Empire and Marconi-baiting hax0rs


Re: if you receive any significant benefit in exchange

While we're on Gift Aid, why do some places advertise a higher price if you tick Gift Aid? I mean it's hardly an incentive to tick the box.


Ahh I see it's in section 3.39.4, although I can't see what the difference for the donor is between paras a and b, in both cases you get a years re-admittance but in para b you're 10% worse off. I've also never seen the advantage of paying 10% on the normal price advertised at places that charge it, but that may just be me.

Also don't some countries have shorter entire tax codes than we're managing just for Gift Aid?

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