Reply to post: Re: So, if I understand things correctly...

Creep learning: How to tamper with neural nets to turn them against us


Re: So, if I understand things correctly...

Ian suggested that "computers have been more 'intelligent'..."

The human brain contains a myriad of 'hardware' co-processors. The human brain is clearly NOT just a big silly neural net to be trained. It's got plenty of odd structures, producing instincts, emotion, empathy, and some common sense.

If you installed legs onto IBM's Watson and took it outside, it would immediately run away and be run over by a bus. Or it would wander over a cliff while explaining the formulas and relationships involved with gravity. It wouldn't last ten minutes.

Famously, "A.I. is hard." Where "hard" means 'very nearly impossible'.

Strong A.I. is Really Hard.

And 'Strong A.I. Outdoors' is going to be alternately hilarious and deadly.

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