Reply to post: Re: Exactly why I don't use OEM firmware.

Wish you could log into someone's Netgear box without a password? Summon a &genie=1

Hans 1

Re: Exactly why I don't use OEM firmware.

@Venerable AC

FFS, you do not get it.

How many models have Netgear patched ? How many are still vulnerable and are not going to be patched because, well, routers reach EOL after 2 or so years ? Make it open source, and I can grab the diff, apply it, build and deploy ... if I want to become a hero, I create a github repo with ready-to-use firmware for everyone else who's been left out in the cold by reckless corporate scum who don't care about their customer base ... Netgear, D-Link, you name it ... once the box has reached EOL, you better get a new shiny ...

What stuns me is the ?genie=1 ... what a bunch of arrogant 1d1ots ...

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