Reply to post: William Apespeare?

It's been 50 years since those damn dirty apes took the planet by storm

Anonymous Coward

William Apespeare?

Proof of the old canard that a roomful of chimpanzees with typewriters will eventually reproduce the works of William Shakespeare? Or perhaps just a way to profit off the Bard's intellectual property. We all know how literate the weekend morning cartoon crowd is....

And the Tim Burton remake was kind of crap. Especially the end where Mark Wahlberg returns to Earth and finds out that somehow this ape general is now lionized there, even though the movie took place on another planet. It would have been a good ending if Wahlberg was unable to return to Earth and ended up back at the ape planet, only to find that the general (who had been disgraced before Wahlberg left) really had been proven right by time and his vision that apes and humans cannot co-exist as equals had been born out.

(Mine's the ape suit on the hook by the door.)

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