Reply to post: Re: Not Surprised

US states accused of skimming cash from 911 emergency call dosh

Shadow Systems

Re: Not Surprised

I live in Northern California & am used to all those fees, charges, surcharges, taxes, & however else you want to phrase the armed robbery that is government subsidies being collected with everything we do.

I've lost track of how many times we hear how some bastard at the wheel diverted funds to their own pet project, funneled funds to cover the bills to an unrelated project, or just flat out embezzled the money & skipped town.

It's a surprise when the money *DOES* go to it's intended purpose, pays for the services it was claimed to be for, & winds up where it's supposed to... Because even then it winds up lining the pockets of some bastard that padded their bill to cover something else. The guy at the construction company that needs to pay off his gambling debts so adds an extra $1K to the bill, the manager that wanted the new Jaguar & so pads the bill with an extra $10K to cover the down payment, the C-level exec whom craves that new solid gold toilet in his five hundred room mansion in the middle of a tax haven on some unincorporated island pads the bill another $100K, and on & on & on & on...

I figure 1p of every $ collected actually goes to its intended purpose, the other 99p goes to pay the bribes, corruption, & padding.

I'd move but I can't afford to - the taxes on gas mean I can't afford to fill the tank anymore...

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