Reply to post: AI primarily is a word used to disguise sales & propaganda

Winter is coming for AI. Fortunately, non-sci-fi definitions are actually doing worthwhile stuff

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

AI primarily is a word used to disguise sales & propaganda

Process that are largely not intelligent but are able to make guesses and inferences about data given lots of training, either that or they use a lot of rules dreamed up my fallible meatbags (usually where "the computer says no..."

Identifying pictures as "cat picture" or "not a cat picture" is fine, but not that intelligent as it did not work out that one was a fire extinguisher with a hose wrapped round the bottom and two tags on the handle.

Using an algorithm generated by people will usually end up finding scenarios that were not originally considered which can make decisions appear arbitrary.

As the article says though the hype engine has worked and people are buying the concept.

I still remember the 80's when software like ELIZA was going to revolutionise interactions with computers and make them seem like people. I don't see a huge difference from that even to the expensively constructed digital assistants now proliferating.

The biggest danger in all this is that people end up trusting computers instead of their common sense...

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