Reply to post: Re: @AC ... @Jimmy Page He needs to show that he had reasonable cause to jump bail

Assange fails to make skipped bail arrest warrant vanish

Charles 9

Re: @AC ... @Jimmy Page He needs to show that he had reasonable cause to jump bail

No size limit, but the Vienna Convention does state that pouches are ONLY meant for documentation and other official diplomatic business. Meaning anything larger than a briefcase is going to attract attention, and anything large enough to hold a person is going to raise the suspicion of abusing diplomatic immunity, meaning the UK could insist on a search on those grounds (remember, the Diplomatic Privileges Act gives the UK a procedure by which to reject or revoke immunity), and if they turn out to be correct, that's not going to look good for Ecuador since they then risk the UK severing diplomatic relations, and if they're severed justifiably, they won't be able to count on solidarity from the rest of South America.

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