Reply to post: "Teach children to understand themselves better and have empathy for others"

Here's why online social networks are bad for humanity, the nerds who helped build them tut-tut

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"Teach children to understand themselves better and have empathy for others"

Easy to say, very hard to to do, and even harder to obtain results - especially since usually most "successful" people around are exactly narcissistic jerks - in any field, including philosophical arts.

Some religions often attempt that as well, but as soon as they understand they get a lot of power over people - not very different than social media, after all - they become lead and run by narcissistic jerks as well.

Human nature has instincts that requires a lot of self-control and force to counteract - and if you know how to manipulate those instincts, you can get rich and successful, satisfying your instinct as well...

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