Reply to post: Re: Bonus points

You're the IT worker in charge of securing the cloud for your company. Welcome to Hell

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Bonus points

"Instead, we have to resort to"


reminds me of something that happened at a microsoft developer conference back in the 90's.

MS put a bunch of computers all over the halls, with NT 4 on them. I noticed that most of the command line stuff (including CMD) were disabled. But there was some demo software available and I wanted to mess with the sample code (some HTML pages) when I got home [the conference was in my home town]. So I ran FTP from the start menu, and FTP'd a couple of files to a web server. That is when I discovered that the '!' command in Microsoft's console mode FTP client got you a shell. I went into it, snickered, then exited. I'm not sure if I was "seen" or not, but it stopped working by the next day...

yeah, someone blocked copy/pasta to the host via the clipboard in the RDP client. Let's just use a pastebin instead!

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