Reply to post: I can't see full AV either

Disengage, disengage! Cali DMV reports show how often human drivers override robot cars

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

I can't see full AV either

First problem it assumes maps are entirely reliable, second problem it assumes meatbags will not accidentally, or accidentally on purpose create accidents.

Third problem is real life, potholes, collapses in road/neighbouring trees/cliff sides etc.

Fourth problem is destination parking. do I expect to have my driveway (and any friends) driveways' mapped? What about the field I park in for the summer fete? Or the loading bay of the factory?

On main roads, yes, nice idea, but the idea of thumbing down a jonnycab still appears a bit far in the mists of future time.

Overall, though measuring the number of driver interventions as an indicator of success/safety is also entirely unhelpful, local road conditions, weather, poor junction designs, indoor car parks in GPS shade, can all be a factor as there is no consistent test conditions (for which I am grateful as it would reproduce the fuel economy cheating effects)

Chasing the impossible dream, there probably should be a song about that...

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