Reply to post: And the biggest offender Award goes to....

Nork hackers exploit Flash bug to pwn South Koreans. And Adobe will deal with it next week

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

And the biggest offender Award goes to....


Govt agencies / Private Firms don't care, don't think about liability, don't have time / budget to go back and fix large programs of online courses and tests etc. Its a nightmare for me as its the area where my SO works....

So I'm constantly fighting the decisions her organization takes. Flash is needed on every machine and often for new unexpected sites too. So white-listing isn't the savior you'd hope for. They even use Googhoul-docs for everything. Welcome to slurp-ville folks! How f'in lazy is that! It gets worse too.. They insist that students install Java as a prerequisite... But they haven't audited their courses in years to see which actually need it. 99% of courses don't. So WTF??? Wake up education tech support!

Education bodies are often government run / sponsored as well, so you can imagine, changing hearts and minds, or creating awareness, isn't something that's comes easily. My workaround so far, has been to dual-boot Mint, and seal-off the Windows partition by hibernating it. This has drawbacks obviously, you can't share your old files etc.

Plus the Mint's + Adobe flash downloader doesn't work and is seriously out of date anyway (had to stumble around looking for old canonical links as Mint's Software Manager doesn't help here). I can nuke Mint occasionally if it catches something, that is unless its rootkit based, then I'm probably screwed!....

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