Reply to post: Re: Phones transmitting even when off

Forget cyber crims, it's time to start worrying about GPS jammers – report

Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

Re: Phones transmitting even when off

I'm pretty sure the whole thing about phones transmitting even when switched off (so the government can track you) is bunk, put around by the tin-foil hat brigade. My only evidence thus far is that had an old fully charged phone which had been put to one side, and when I picked it up months later it still had 99% charge - basically what I'd expect an elderly battery to lose just by sitting on the shelf.

I'm tempted to set up a little experiment....switch off a phone and leave it next to a speaker in a very quiet place. Set up some audio recording equipment and leave it overnight. Should be easy enough to review the recorded WAV file and see any spikes where the speakers have picked up activity from the phone (better than listening to 12 hours of audio anyway)

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