Reply to post: Re: diodesign Re: Jonathan Schwatrz

You can't ignore Spectre. Look, it's pressing its nose against your screen

Jonathan Schwatrz

Re: diodesign Re: Jonathan Schwatrz

".....The point is that chip engineers left security in the glovebox the day they parked up in the company lot and walked in to design those parts of the pipeline....." True, I suspect security was pretty low on the list in the '70s when the original 8086 was designed. I'm not disagreeing that Intel missed a big security hole, I am just pointing out that Intel got hooked on prefetch performance tuning when CPUs were single cores only, application loads were pretty much one per system, and no-one had even thought of virtualization on x86. It seems Intel did forget to do the design security review they should have done later (IIRC, VMware Workstation wasn't releases until 1999, for example) when customers started sharing CPU time on x86. Before then, virtualization was for big enterprise systems only.

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