Reply to post: Re: 20% drop going to manual

IT 'heroes' saved Maersk from NotPetya with ten-day reinstallation blitz

Stork Silver badge

Re: 20% drop going to manual

You would be suprised how much IT Maersk actually is.

When I started in the group I thought it was quite simple to move a box from A to B, but when you have a million or so boxes (then) and have to keep track of where they come from, where they are going, what is in them, who does it belong to (and this is "legal title to ownership" sort of serious), can it be loaded under deck, how do you stack it on the ship to make as few moves as possible (without making the ship tip over due to wrong balance) you really need IT.

This is before implementing rules such as "do not send ALU containers to certain places as the locals find it too easy to get into them".

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