Reply to post: Re: Not learning from pilots

Aut-doh!-pilot: Driver jams 65mph Tesla Model S under fire truck, walks away from crash

Hans 1

Re: Not learning from pilots

Road users don't get that training, so continue to fail to see things, or don't recognise them as a collision risk.

BS argument, sounds like the drivers of old that claim "When I passed my license, we did not have round abouts, so I do not know how to drive in one."

If while preparing for the driver's license you did not get special training to anticipate and keep an eye open for stationary vehicles, pedestrians etc YOU SIMPLY HAVE NOTHING TO DO BEHIND THE STEERING WHEEL ... it is as simple as that.

Autopilot is meant for highways, like cruise control, AND heavy traffic or traffic jams, UNLIKE cruise control, where the repetitive use of the pedals can induce RSI, however, it does NOT relieve you of your task, control the vehicle if needed.

Why USians don't get this is beyond me ... then again, in the US, as long as you can park a car in a 100 yard long parking slot and drive around in a circle you get your license ...

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