Reply to post: Re: Speculative execution

Death notice: Moore's Law. 19 April 1965 – 2 January 2018

bazza Silver badge

Re: Speculative execution

We're headed back towards the Transputer in more ways than you'd imagine.

Firstly, today's SMP execution environment provided by Intel and AMD is implemented on an architecture that is becoming more and mode NUMA (especially AMD; Intel have QPI between chips, not between cores). The SMP part is faked on top of an underlying serial interconnect (Hypertransport for AMD, QPI for Intel).

So, the underlying architecture is becoming more and more like a network of Transputers, with the faked SMP layer existing only to be compatible with the vast amount of code we have (OSes and applications) that expects it.

And then languages like Rust and Go are implementing Communicating Sequential Processes as a native part of the language; just like Occam on Transputers. Running CSP style software on a SMP environment which is itself implemented on top of NUMA (which is where CSP shines) simply introduces a lot of unnecessary layers between application code and microelectronics.

Sigh. Stick around in this business long enough and you can say you've seen it all come and go once before. Possibly more.

Having said all that, I'm not so sure that a pure NUMA architecture would actually solve the problem. The problem is speculative execution (Spectre) and Intel's failure to enforce memory access controls in speculatively executed branches (Meltdown), not whether or not the microelectronic architecture of the machine is SMP, nearly SMP, or pure NUMA. A NUMA architecture would limit the reach of an attack based on Spectre, but it would not eliminate it altogether.

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