Reply to post: Re: Hopey changey

Facebook grows a conscience, admits it corroded democracy

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Hopey changey

They are trying to avoid a full scale investigation into the inner workings of their business. If the feds sent actual experts in to dissect how many real people are actually signed up, the gig would be up. Too much investment and too much FB stock in pension funds, etc for the truth to come out. Admit you made a mistake and are working hard to change, that keeps them away for a while. If the business actually continues, eventually, the feds will want to get in there and lift the hood, and it won't be pretty. How many profiles were created by bots and who owned the bots are the big questions that need to be answered. What if FB had its own bot army pretending to be real people to inflate marketing numbers for advertisers? We can't have that kind of stuff coming to light, now can we zucky poo?

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